How has your january been?

I’m into month four working with my business coach. While working together we have transformed so many aspects of my business (the sweet spot for my logical mind) but recently I was challenged to tap into that side of business that isn’t so easily accessible to me. The flowy feminine fun side. 

Here’s how the conversation went… 

Coach: I think it is really, really important that whenever you are working on your business or thinking big picture, we are starting from not just the standpoint of “is this a good idea” or “would this make money” but instead “what would be so fucking fun for me to do today?” Like, what would be the most fun thing I could do not just in my business but also, daily life. 

Me: I think I’ve struggled with and even identified that in the last while, it's a bit of a challenge to find joy regularly. 

Coach: Maybe there is something really enjoyable that you do by yourself and doesn’t have to be all that serious. If you squish or compress the amount of joy you allow in, you’re also compressing any other feelings that go along with it.

Me: I understand where you are coming from. I don’t really have fun, it’s a struggle. I feel like sometimes when I think fun I think of it as one more thing to do in a day. Let me think about that more.

The outcome…my January goal was to have fun on a daily basis. 

My left brain was - how the hell is this gonna get me to my goals??

My right brain was - yah!

Fun. Ok, Krista, what do you find fun? 

I went down a massive rabbit hole. 

Google and I spent some time together in search of lists of fun activities, ways to define fun (yes, I actually looked for a definition) and how that could look. What I realized (after an hour or so online) was that I had to tap into my own knowledge, that intuitive part of who I am to pull out what I would find fun. 

Score one for the right brain. 

See, my challenge, as with many women who give so freely of themselves to others, was that I lost track of what was fun for ME. Not what my friends thought or my family thought was fun, but me. 

I really locked onto what Catherine Price (scientist, journalist, speaker and author) had to say about true fun. Check out her Ted Talk.

“True Fun, I realized, is the feeling of being fully present and engaged, free from self-criticism and judgment. It’s the thrill of losing ourselves in what we’re doing and not caring about the outcome. It is laughter. It is playful rebellion. It is euphoric connection. It is the bliss that comes from letting go. When we are truly having fun, we are not lonely. We are not anxious or stressed. We are not consumed by self doubt or existential malaise. There is a reason that our moments of True Fun stand out in our memories: True Fun makes us feel alive. “  

Not being one to shy away from a challenge I dove in and started this experiment December 30th. I’m happy to say, I followed through right to today with the likelihood of it becoming a regular part of life.

Here are 20 suggestions of how you too can learn from my January of fun. 

     1. Buy a pair of whimsical socks

I picked up a $5 pair of Llama socks from Winners and they bring me so much frickin JOY!

     2. Wear a bold lip color

Grab your fav shade and rock it. I love my BareMinerals Frenchie shade.

     3. Learn a new skill

I took in a free Numerology forecast with Meaghan Alton. Always learning new systems and ways of thinking is something I deeply value. 


     4. Get a pedicure

I highly recommend taking yourself for a pedicure even in the winter. There is nothing quite like feeling a little fancy when it’s a bajillion below. I love heading to Cherry’s Nail on 3rd Avenue.


     5. Visit your favorite store

If you know me, you know I LOVE stationery products. I have a collection of Lamy pens and more sticky notes than your average bear. My favorite place is by far SoulPaper on 20th street. Go check it out!


     6. Do a puzzle

For me, this is my number one way to turn off my brain and NOT be on my phone. Highly recommend.


     7. Work from a coffee shop

Beings that I work primarily by myself at home working from a coffee shops provides me the stimulation of being around other people. I often find I am way more productive.


     8. Take your kiddo on a date

I am always in awe of the person my kiddo is becoming. Spending quality time together has helped us stay connected as we start to navigate the teen years.


     9. Family Game night

When we play board games it usually devolves into so much hysterical laughter that we can’t focus. Love those moments. Our latest is Mind the Gap - generational trivia game.


     10. Get a massage

What do I need to say about this but go make an appointment right now. Better yet, ask your admin support to do it for you.


     11. Go on a date with your spouse

Finding time for your significant other is so important. We went art shopping for our bedroom this month. Didn’t find what we wanted but spent a few hours looking at art together.


     12. Put stickers in your planner

Yes, I use a paper planner (see above love of all things stationary). I sit down each week and plan out what’s coming up and my stickers are a big part of that.


     13. Supper with your friends

Girlfriends have a way of lifting your spirits when it’s 100 below. I love spending time in community for this one was a pretty regular occurrence with a variety of circles of friends.


     14. Take a hike

Time in nature always brings me perspective - I’m a pretty small cog in this big ol world. A close friend runs the Being Brave Club which does a number of guided activities around Saskatoon.


      15. Nap

Is there anything more glorious than feeling refreshed after a much needed nap??


     16. Buy a new wallet in your favorite color

This was one of those kismet purchases. I had been looking for a new wallet for a while and came across this beautiful maroon(fav color) Kate Spade(stunning designer) one at Winner. BONUS!


     17. Treat someone to a coffee

Everytime I go for physio I take my friend, who is also my physiotherapist, a coffee. It brings her a little joy and sometimes she will take it a little easier on my shoulder!


     18. Go on a girls trip for the weekend

There is nothing quite like getting away from your regular routine. A few friends headed to Elkridge for a weekend stay. Our hearts and souls needed that break and it felt so good to just spend two days taking care of myself.


     19. Have your brows done

As my kiddo says, I’ve got crappy brows. So, I signed up to have nano brows done with 1331 Studios. I’m happy to say, my brows are looking fine!


     20. Take a bath

Likely one of my biggest go to’s for self care especially in the winter months. Water is where I have the most brilliant ideas come to me so I’m leaning into that. 

The lessons we learn in our personal life translate to our business life and vice versa. If you struggle with finding that balance between your left and right brain, you are not alone.  

I would just remind you…

Until next time,



Post may contain failure and Hot truth


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