I’ve been keeping a secret

This past year kicked the shit out of me. 


I am still in the healing part of the journey (share from your scars, not your open wounds), so I can only say that I had an experience with a woman that cut deep. The kind of hurt that doesn't go away quickly.


As I do, I started the work needed to heal. I see a therapist regularly and have been building a toolkit that supports me. I intentionally created layers of support beyond my closest circle of friends. I started looking for a community where I could be a messy human. 


This sort of community is rare. People in those spaces must be willing to be authentic for it to work. Not the shiny versions that we see all over FB and IG. (showing up differently in person and online gets me a little 🌶) 


It wasn't until I was in this community that I recognized I had been working on myself to the point of obsession. I took every course (often influenced by FOMO marketing-ick), bought the latest book on mastering my mindset (just read this one more) and invested significantly in experiences and events because it promised a change. The belief - there is something wrong with me that needs fixing. Judgment reigned supreme, and self-compassion was nearly invisible. 


I'm still absorbing the idea that I'm not a self-improvement project. Many years of programming there to unpack and sort through BUT I am beginning to see a fresh perspective. I'm an imperfect human being leading an imperfect life. Life gets more comfortable when we can connect to a group of people to share our common humanity and struggles and know that we aren't alone. 


It may sound strange, but even though last year's experience was shit, I knew it had to happen to create this next offering and do it with my whole heart. 


This is where the reFrame Mastermind comes in. 


If the term "mastermind" is new, here's a quick explanation. A mastermind is a group of peers who meet to share ideas, experiences, and wisdom and support each other in achieving a desired goal over a set time. There is no expert but a facilitator that keeps each meeting on track. Each session allows every person to share and receive support equally. 


One of the benefits of a mastermind is that it offers a place to feel encouraged, inspired, and understood and, when needed, a place to share the "real" struggles of everyday life. Every single conversation is confidential (what's said here stays here). 


I can attest this format works, and when the right group of people come together, it is pure (excuse my cussing) fucking magic 🔮. 


This mastermind intends to bring together an authentic and supportive community of women who are ready to explore what work/life balance means to them.


We all know society measures women to impossible standards when balancing the needs of our families and careers. There is a lot of baggage (perfectionism, comparison, unwritten expectations) and systems (hello, patriarchy) beyond our control that women are regularly facing. 


Isn't it time we reFrame this impossible standard and seek a balance that works for us?


How about, instead, we started to approach life like this…


Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging. 

Brene Brown - The Gifts of Imperfection


I want every woman in this mastermind to feel that they are enough. They don't need to be fixed; they deserve support along the road they are on and are not alone. 


Ok, hopping down off my soapbox. Let's dive into the juicy details, shall we? 


First, I recognize your time is precious, so I want you to have all the details in one email to determine if this is a Hell Yeah for you. Every woman I know has a calendar filled with commitments, appointments and tasks they are juggling.  As a Projector (Human Design-much to come on a fav system of mine), I'm here to guide you and communicate precisely what is heading your way.

  • This is an in-person mastermind that will run for 6 months. It will run from the end of April to the end of September.

  • In-person evening sessions will occur the last Thursday evening of each month, 6:30pm to 9:00pm at BLDG Studio - 223 25th Street West in Saskatoon. I will be your facilitator and am responsible for the atmosphere that is created in each session.

  • Each person taking part in the mastermind will sign a membership agreement. This includes expectations, guidelines and confidentiality.

  • After we hold the first mastermind, you will receive weekly check-in emails on Sunday. These quick touch points will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

  • In the week leading up to our mastermind, you will receive a check-in email to help guide the discussion at the next mastermind. Again, up to a 5-minute commitment.

  • On the Monday following our mastermind, a summary email will be delivered to everyone to help keep us all accountable for commitments we made to ourselves.

  • During our 6 months together, we will have guest speakers (much to come on each of these ppl) join us for a maximum of three of our sessions. Topics will include boundaries, using our voices and discovering the emotional freedom technique(EFT).

Spaces available: 6 to 8 

Your Time Commitment: 3-5 hours monthly

Monthly Investment: $150 + GST (Invoices are delivered on the 20th of each month and are due upon receipt)


If this is a Hell Yeah, shoot over an email (krista.martens@beyondmeasuredesign.ca) with a simple "I'm in!" to claim your spot. 


You will receive a personal email from Moi celebrating this commitment to yourself and a copy of the membership agreement. From there, the initial invoice will be sent out on April 20th, and our first mastermind will occur on Thursday, April 27th


I would love nothing more than to spend the next six months growing alongside you. 💞




5 reasons to join a mastermind


Post may contain failure and Hot truth